You will need
1 ball of Stylecraftt Special DK in Mocha
1 ball of Stylecraft Special DK in White
1 ball of Stylecraft Special DK in Midnight
A small quantity of black DK for features
A small amount of navy embroidery thread for NHS detail
A 3mm hook
Toy Stuffing
A stitch marker
The bear is made in the amigurumi method. Working in a continuous spiral without closing off each round.
Using Mocha make a magic ring
Round 1 ch1, 6dc into ring (6 sts)
Round 2 2dc in each st around (12 sts)
Round 3 (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) repeat around (18 sts)
Round 4 (dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in next st) repeat around (24 sts)
Round 5 (dc in next 3 sts, 2dc in next st) repeat around (30 sts)
Round 6 (dc in next 4 sts, 2 dc in next st) repeat around (36 sts)
Round 7 (dc in next 5 sts, 2 dc in next st) repeat around (42 sts)
Round 8 (dc in next 6 sts, 2dc in next st) repeat around (48 sts)
Round 9 (dc in next 7 sts, 2dc in next st) repeat around (54 sts)
Rounds 10 & 11 dc in each st
Round 12 (dc in next 8 sts, 2dc in next st) repeat around (60 sts)
Rounds 13 to 19 dc in each st
Round 20 (dc in next 8 sts, dec 2 tog) repeat around (54 sts)
Rounds 21 & 22 dc in each st
Round 23 (dc in next 7 sts, dec 2 tog) repeat around (48sts)
Round 24 dc in each st
Round 25 (dc in next 6 sts, dec 2 tog) repeat around (42 sts)
Round 26 (dc in next 5 sts,dec 2 tog) repeat around (36 sts)
Round 27 (dc in next 4 sts, dec 2 tog repeat around (30 sts)
Round 28 (dc in next 3 sts, dec 2 tog) repeat around (24 sts)
Round 29 dc in each st
Round 30 (dc in next 2 sts, dec 2 tog) repeat around (18 sts)
Round 31 (dc in next st, dec 2 tog) repeat around (12 sts)
Round 32 dec2 tog around (6sts)
Pull yarn through all sts and fasten off
Using Mocha, ch5
Round 1 dc in second ch from hook, dc in next 2ch, 3dc in last ch, working in the other side of the chain; dc in next 2ch, 2dc in last ch (10sts)
Round 2 (2dc in next st, dc in next 4 sts) twice (12 sts)
Round 3 (dc, 2dc in next st, dc in next 3 sts, 2dc in next st) twice (16 sts)
Round 4 (dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in next st, dc in next 4 sts, 2dc in next st) twice (20 sts)
Round 5 (dc in next 3 sts, 2dc in next st, dc in next 5 sts, 2dc in next st) twice (24 sts)
Round 6 (dc in next 3 sts, 2dc in next st) 6 times (30 sts)
Rounds 7 & 8 dc in each st around
Fasten off
EARS (make 2)
Using Mocha make a magic ring
Round 1 ch1, 6dc into ring (6sts)
Round 2 2dc in each st around (12 sts)
Round 3 (dc, 2dc in next st) 6 times (18 sts)
Round 4 (dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in next st) 6 times (24 sts)
Rounds 5 to 7 dc in each st
Round 8 dc in first 7 sts, dc 2 tog 5 times, dc in last 7 sts (19 sts)
Fasten off. Flatten the ear with the last st worked in the centre. Sew open ends together. The side with the decreases will face the front when finished.
Using Midnight make a magic ring
Round 1 ch1, 6dc into ring (6 sts)
Round 2 2dc in each st around (12 sts)
Round 3 (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) repeat around (18 sts)
Round 4 (dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in next st) repeat around (24 sts)
Round 5 (dc in next 3 sts, 2dc in next st) repeat around (30 sts)
Round 6 (dc in next 4 sts, 2 dc in next st) repeat around (36 sts)
Round 7 (dc in next 5 sts, 2 dc in next st) repeat around (42 sts)
Round 8 (dc in next 6 sts, 2dc in next st) repeat around (48 sts)
Round 9 (dc in next 7 sts, 2dc in next st) repeat around (54 sts)
Rounds 10 & 11 dc in each st
Round 12 (dc in next 8 sts, 2dc in next st) repeat around (60 sts)
Round 13 dc in each st
Round 14 (dc in next 9 sts, 2dc in next st ) repeat around (66 sts)
Round 15 (dc in next 10 sts, 2dc in next st) repeat around (72 sts)
Rounds 16 & 17 dc in each st
change to white
Rounds 18 to 22 dc in each st
Round 23 (dc in next 10 sts, dec 2 tog) repeat around (66 sts)
Round 24 dc in each st
Round 25 (dc in next 9 sts, dec 2 tog) repeat around (60 sts)
Rounds 26 & 27 dc in each st
Round 28 (dc in next 8 sts, dec 2 tog) repeat around (54 sts)
Round 29 (dc in next 7 sts, dec 2 tog) repeat around (48sts)
Round 30 (dc in next 6 sts, dec 2 tog) repeat around (42 sts)
Round 31 (dc in next 5 sts,dec 2 tog) repeat around (36 sts)
Round 32 (dc in next 4 sts, dec 2 tog repeat around (30 sts)
Round 33 (dc in next 3 sts, dec 2 tog) repeat around (24 sts)
Round 34 (dc in next 2 sts, dec 2 tog) repeat around (18 sts)
Round 35 (dc in next st, dec 2 tog) repeat around (12 sts)
Round 36 dec 2 tog around (6sts)
Pull yarn through all sts and fasten off
ARMS (make 2)
Using Mocha make a magic ring
Round 1 ch1, 6dc into ring (6sts)
Round 2 2dc in each st around (12 sts)
Round 3 (dc, 2dc in next st) 6 times (18 sts)
Round 4 (dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in next st) 6 times (24 sts)
Rounds 5 to 7 dc in each st
Round 8 (dc in next 2 sts, dec 2 tog) 6 times (18 sts)
Rounds 9 to 13 dc in each st
Change to white
Rounds 14 to 24 dc in each st
Fasten off
LEGS (make 2)
Using Mocha make a magic ring
Round 1 ch1, 6dc into ring (6sts)
Round 2 2dc in each st around (12 sts)
Round 3 (dc, 2dc in next st) 6 times (18 sts)
Round 4 (dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in next st) 6 times (24 sts)
Round 5 (dc in next 3 sts, 2dc in next st) 6 times (30 sts)
Rounds 6 to 11 dc in each st
Round 12 (dc in next 3 sts, dec 2 tog) 6 times (24 sts)
Round 13 (dc in next 2 sts, dec 2 tog) 6 times (18 sts)
Round 14 dc in each st
Change to navy
Rounds 15 to 29 dc in each st
Fasten off
Stuff muzzle and join to head and embroider a nose and mouth as per the image using black yarn. Embroider eyes using navy yarn positioning as per the image.
Join head to body
Stuff legs and arms in lower sections only.
Join arms by flattening top edge and sewing in position
Join legs in same way ensuring bear is in a sitting position.
Embroider NHS to top with navy embroidery thread
Using white ch 25
Round 1 dc in 2nd chain from hook , dc in each st
Rounds 2 & 3 dc in each st
Rounds 4 to 7 dc in next 8 sts, htr in next 8 sts, dc in next 8 sts
Rounds 8 to 10 dc in each st
CH 30 then join to top of mask to make one strap.
dc along bottom of mask
CH 27 then join to top of mask on the other side
dc along the top of the mask.
Fasten off
Using white make a chain long enough to go around bears neck. Dc along the length of the chain. Fold along the length of the chain and sew the cast on edge to the final edge to make a long tube. Make a shorter tube in the same way to make the earpiece section. Join the short tube to one end of the long tube and roll over and sew the ends to make ear pieces.
Make a magic circle , ch1 and make 6dc in the ring. Fasten off. Attach to the other end of the long tube.